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loneliness test - Find out for yourself

Maybe I should feel more concerned usually my wife to apologize to me before I met someone she knows loneliness test.

 The truth is I'm not even sure what apologizes for, except that sometimes I'm not talkative. And I worry. And my eyes roam the place when people talk to me. loneliness test And sometimes I'm asking questions that may come off as a bit direct.

There was time, too, participation picnic in Hyde Park when I apologized for any socialize and I was stopped by a bush. It was against this. I was sorry, but I do not think anyone would notice. Everything hitter-chatter felt like having my head supported.

So while I would feel worse, I do not, because it means that the occasions when my wife asks her out to me are increasingly rare. In recent years I have come to love loneliness test, not really. I work alone, walking alone, going to the movies alone, eat alone restaurants.

 Once a year, even on vacation alone. Whenever possible, I have the intention to go further in the field. The reason is people. I loved them. Then something happened. And now I do.

I am solitary by nature and solitude is no vice.loneliness test Not binge-eating junk food or abusing drugs and alcohol, so I always thought I could give me freely in the sweet joys person.

 But then I started hearing that health wise, it can be dangerous; you can only overdose loneliness test.

I read a book about why this might be when my dog restarts barking. I look out the window. A man who steals my sandbags. The town I live in has flooded and sandbags have been hard earned. I complained to the council, then complained of a man in a truck full of sandbags loneliness test which I was told was not allowed to give.

 Only when my wife asked him for some reason he changed his mind. And just in time. As I go on my shoes man cry,loneliness test the water is only two meters from our door.

"Poi!" I cry.
"It is not necessary at this time," he said, "but in the corner it's urgent."

"You could have asked bloody," I say.

"I do not think anyone was," he said.

"You do not even have to hit!"

"I do not have," he agreed.

"Will you bring back?"

He shakes his head angrily said: "Yes!" and disappears around the corner loneliness test.

People! You see how it is? Anyway, where was I? Soledad, by John Cacophony and William Patrick (WW Norton, w 12.99), page 14, "what makes each of us, to some extent, the architect of our loneliness test own social world.

 When loneliness, forms states that we and others see as well as the types of responses that we expect of others, are strongly influenced by both our feelings of sadness and threat. "I wonder, can it be true? What unfortunately no friends to create their own state of isolation loneliness test? But it can not be described as "solitary" if, like me, you are alone by choice?

According to the book, our particular level of need for social inclusion is inherited. loneliness test Some of us do not need many friends. The pathologically alone, however, as if it may be difficult to.

They tend to think people are "more critical, competitive, belittle or otherwise unbecoming way" than they really are. loneliness test "The fear of an attack promotes greater tendency to blame others preemptively."

This fear can also make out of control, become desperate to please and make them play the victim. These poor people loneliness test.

The dog barks again. loneliness test I hope it's again my sandbags thief, but it's a smiling man bored with brochures about the flood. "I'm from the Environment Agency," he said. "We are going around checking all is well."

I serve with suspicion. "OK. Well, I'm fine loneliness test."

"Great," he smiles. "There is a wonderful atmosphere in the town, is not there? Everyone is out, helping each other loneliness test."

"Eh!" I say. "Someone stole my sandbags."

His face falls. I have a sudden rush of something like shame. After closing the door, I recognize now that the guy my wife loneliness test sometimes complains.

 She will tell me I was rude, and I was taken aback and panicked. Was I? Why? I was just ... "It's like you are living in another world", is able to respond loneliness test.

I call Professor Cacophony, co-author of loneliness. This is a neuroscientist who 20 years ago, he loneliness test felt his colleagues were making a mistake to see the brain as an autonomous body.

 Because humans are a social species (a famous psychologist, Professor Jonathan Haiti describes as "making bee party") that the theory that our brains must be designed to work properly when loneliness test connected to other brain .

To test this idea, studied the brains lack adequate social connections. "This condition, of course, has a name," he said. "And it's lonely loneliness test."

Cacophony Advance came when he found that when sleeping, solo suffer more "awake" at night. His point is not just that they feel generally tired loneliness test (which, incidentally, to do). To Cacophony, was proof that they know the world in a totally different way.

 "Take all social species, such as fish," he said. "If you're on the perimeter, you are more likely to be preceded. Your brain goes into a mode of self-preservation. loneliness test You, more anxious, more depressed more aggressive return, no changes in sleep. This is because it is dangerous. You show excitement because your brain remains partially alert for the presence of an attacker. "

Not all scientists agree with Cacophony. Calls to the principles of the evolution of the explanations of behavior - show excitation due to a primal fear of being eaten - are sometimes dismissed as speculative stories like that, because they are unverifiable.

 Also contested is their belief that it is not the number of friends that counts loneliness test, but what we feel for them. "It is the objective isolation" he insists. "It's when you feel isolated. The brain is not sitting there counting people".

I asked him to define "friend".

"It's about synergy," he said. "Say you have to move some furniture. If I do it alone, I am likely to harm the back. If the two of us and we act as individuals, we are both likely to injure your back. But if each of us had a side the table is transformative. It is synergistic. We are changing the nature of the challenge. "

I have two relationships that sound well. The first is with my wife, who incidentally is not here because of work. The other is my friend Craig, who lives in Sydney.

 Brachiopods' book has a questionnaire UCLA loneliness test I took before we talked. "How often do you feel open and friendly? How often do you feel" in phase "with those around you? How often do you feel that your relationships with others are meaningless?" I scored 63 loneliness test.

"It's really high," says Cacophony.

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